The D-shufo™ Ovarian Hole Occlusion Occluder is the first clinical application since its launch!
时间: 2024-05-28
作者: 小编:
阅读量: 68

On 27-28 March 2024, an international medical conference on the theme “Innovations and technologies in the development of cardiology and non-communicable diseases in the countries of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization” was held in Bishkek. The event was jointly organized by the Ministry of Health of Kyrgyzstan and the National Center of Cardiology and Treatment “Milakhmov”.


Representatives from the Ministries of Health of SCO member states, leading scientists and experts in the fields of cardiology, internal medicine and mountain medicine from SCO member states and other countries, young scientists, representatives of higher education institutions and staff of scientific organizations, representatives of national scientific and medical centers of SCO member states, and representatives of international organizations, such as the World Health Organization (WHO), attended the conference. Prof. Dong Nianguo's team from Wuhan Union Medical College Hospital was invited to participate in this event and successfully completed the first international humanitarian clinical application of D-shufo™ Ovarian Hole Failure Occluder, which demonstrated the advancement and strength of Chinese medical technology.

The successful implementation of the first overseas humanitarian clinical application of the D-shufo™ Ovarian Hole Occluder marks the opening of a new chapter in the global clinical application of this product.


Case details

The patient was a 30-year-old woman, admitted to the hospital for “slurred speech, left limb weakness for more than 10 days, migraine for more than 10 years”. After the complete examination in the hospital, it was suggested that there was a cavernous cerebral infarction, and ultrasonography showed atrial septal bulging tumor, and right-to-left shunt at the level of atrium under the Valsalva maneuver was grade 3. Prof. Dong Nanguo's team worked together with local cardiologists, neurologists, and ultrasonographers, and after a comprehensive and meticulous evaluation, the patient was clearly diagnosed with patent foramen ovale. With full consideration of the wishes of the patient and his family, and with a commitment to maximizing the patient's benefits, the decision was made to use the D-shufo™ Ovarian Hole Occlusion Occluder to provide the patient with a humanitarian and life-saving treatment.

The entire procedure was smooth and efficient, and the sealer was released in a precise position with a tight fit to the surrounding tissues. Postoperative follow-up ultrasound showed that the occluder had no effect on the mitral and tricuspid valve tissues, and there was no residual shunt. The patient was successfully discharged from the hospital on the next day after the operation, and the follow-up results so far show that the patient's headache and dizziness have not recurred and there is no sign of recurrence of stroke.
